Black Powder

Muzzle-loading discipline shooters keep centuries of tradition alive as they send lead down Range in a cloud of smoke.

Covering everything from Japanese Sengoku-era Matchlock arquebuses through to Brown Bess muskets, military rifle-muskets, single-shot percussion pistols, cap & ball revolvers, and even flintlock or percussion fowling pieces; shooters can use original or reproduction firearms as part of this discipline.

Firearms are divided into categories for muzzle loading rifles (such as the Pattern 1853 Enfield and Model 1861 Springfield, civilian hunting rifle-muskets and even modern arms such as the Remington Model 700 Muzzleloader), muskets (primarily flintlock, Wheel-lock and matchlock longarms including smooth bore military arms such as the Brown Bess, civilian smoothbore longarms, and arquebuses), shotguns, and handguns.

The handgun category covers original and reproduction cap and ball revolvers such as the Colt Model 1851 Navy, the Beaumont-Adams revolver and the Remington Model 1858 New Model Army. Additionally, there are sub-classes for single-shot percussion pistols including military holster pistols, duelling pistols, and target pistols, as well as another category for matchlock, Wheel-lock and flintlock pistols.

In the right hands muzzleloading handguns – and some rifles – perform just as well as modern firearms, the main difference being they have to be carefully cleaned after shooting, using water or some water-based cleaning fluid. Blackpowder residue will cause rusting if not attended to, so careful cleaning is essential.

Only commercially manufactured sporting black powder can be used in SSAA Muzzleloading matches and must be loaded from pre-measured single charge containers in all competitions.